
He felt it must go deeper than psychological desire. alone, so he referred Bob for a sex-chromatin test.

Each cell of the body has a nucleus. In a gen- etic female there are dark spots, the socalled sex- chromatin, to be seen attached to the nuclear membrane of almost every cell. In the genetic male, these are seen in very few cells. These dark spots were found in Bob's case and the diagnosis confirmed by blood samples. Bob was beyond any question a woman. "Follow your nat- ural inclination and live like a woman", Dr Yochelson counseled him,

So now she has become "Betty", is wearing make-up, earrings and dresses and expects to take a beauty course and find a job as a woman. She is a good looking woman whose womanly looks no one questions--though as a man she was always under scrutiny as she always looked "wrong" She is not a perfect woman. She must have surgery to remove the incomplete male organs nature mistakenly gave her. She can never be a sexually functioning woman, with a natural married life and children. "But she is calm, comfortable and at ease in her new role", says the Dr. Her sexual drive is very weak. She enjoys being with men but only because it makes her feel more feminine.


Dr. Yocnelson is seeing four other such patients now. He says, "I am sure quite a few people like Betty are uncritically--and cruelly and coarsely--called "I am sure individuals of this type have a sexual apathy. They are not the very active aggress- ive homosexuals. But only in the company of homosexuals can they find an understanding and be permitted to play the role that seems natural to them".


A forest ranger in Arizona frequently saw an Indian Chief riding his horse up the canyon trail, his wife trudging along behind him. "Why is it, the ranger asked that you ride and your wife walks" "Because," was the solemn reply, "she no gottum horse.".